
- a modular build system for embedded devices -



Makerootfs automatically builds a toolchain (optional; only if no existing one can be found) and cross-compiles Linux applications for ARM embedded machines. It also installs kernel modules, toolchain libraries and creates a jffs2 root filesystem, which can be flashed directly to the embedded hardware.

The functionality is similar to buildroot, which creates a root filesystem based on the uClibc libraries. makerootfs uses the full glibc libraries, thus not imposing feature restrictions for hardware where functionality is more important than saving space. A script to cross-compile qt-embedded and opie is also included.

Unlike openembedded, which requires a huge amount of memory and often fails to build if a non-default configuration is used, makerootfs is based on a set of shell scripts, that can also be called manually. So, makerootfs is useful for any embedded system developer, who doesn't want to use uClibc, but still wants to keep an overview over the rootfs and make changes of his own to the software without the full-blown "openembedded" environment. All applications can also be built separately.

Configuration is easy and is done through a single configuration file, allowing a quick start. Several configuration files can co-exist.

Package sources are automatically downloaded from their corresponding websites. Patches and configure/make options necessary for a clean compile for ARM are included in makerootfs. Some of them are based on files from gumstix-buildroot, buildroot and openembedded.

A default configuration for /etc allows a quick start and produces a usable small Linux distribution with (almost) no additional changes.

Size: A complete build without opie produces a compressed jffs2 filesystem of about 10MB. Qte and opie take additional 12MB. On a 2.4 GHz machine, the complete build process can take about 2-3 hours.

This build system was tested on an Intel XScale CPU (PXA270), but should work for any ARM architecture, and with few modifications might even work for different architectures. If you try it, please let me know of your experiences!

Documentation  - Download makerootfs

makerootfs is hosted on

Check out the latest sources:

$ cvs login
$ cvs -z3 co -P makerootfs

or download a snapshot
$ wget

and unpack it
$ tar xfvz makerootfs.tar.gz

Enter makerootfs
$ cd makerootfs

You will find the following directories and files:

patches/ contains patches, configfiles and initscripts that do not come with the original software package
makescripts/ shell scripts, which download, cross-compile and install selected packages into staging directory build a toolchain first using crosstool (only if no toolchain is found in PATH) run selected scripts (MYMAKE_LIST) in makescripts/, configured in makerootfs.conf
create skeleton root filesystem from patches/rootfs-skel.tar.gz and
copy binaries (libraries, executables, config files, ...) into final root filesystem
copy libraries from current toolchain into final root filesystem
copy kernel modules into final root filesystem
NOTE: As the kernel highly device specific, makerootfs DOES NOT build a kernel automatically. Make sure you have a compiled device kernel and update KERNELPATH in makerootfs.conf
create final jffs2 including device nodes and the files in rootfs/

The source code for actual software packages is downloaded during the build process directly from the different project pages, so there is no big tar.gz'ed "distribution" archive coming with makerootfs.

The software versions are not the latest CVS code, but tested release versions.

An internet connection allowing downloads is therefore required. wget is used for the majority of downloads, so it also works behind a proxy.

Currently, the sources for three projects are mirrored here and not downloaded from their original web page by default. These are busybox, tslib and alsa. If you need the latest version, edit the makescripts to switch to using CVS/snapshots.

All downloads are stored locally and reused later if the sources are recompiled (default location: makerootfs/download)

Beside the package specific make tools, wget, patch and are the only additionally needed software on the build system, and therefore the scripts work on any Linux system without requiring a complex setup, like for openembedded.

Documentation - Configure makerootfs

The default configuration configuration file is makerootfs/makerootfs.conf

Edit this file to change the following:
Some packages (like pcmcia-cs or hostap) need compiled kernel sources, so make sure you set the correct paths or comment out these packages.
Otherwise you can go with the default settings.

Documentation - Run and use makerootfs

If you don't want to build a toolchain, but use an existing one, make sure, it can be found in PATH.

The whole build process can be done in a few easy steps:
  1. To build a toolchain, run
    $ ./
    If you want to use that toolchain, you need to source the makerootfs/set-env-arm-linux script, which puts it into your PATH
  2. Cross-compile your kernel (configured and compiled kernel is required by some packages to build correctly)
  3. Build packages:
    $ ./
  4. Create rootfs skeleton and fill it
    $ ./
    $ ./
    $ ./

  5. Check device-specific settings within the root filesystem (see below) and/or add own files to rootfs/
  6. Create jffs2 root filesystem from rootfs/
    $ ./
You will find the final jffs2-file in makerootfs/.
For your convenience, you can also run scripts #2-#6 in a single line:
$ ./ &&
./ && ./ && ./ && ./
You may not always want to rebuild a complete root filesystem, but just need a single library or program. If you want to cross-compile just a few single applications, you can also run the scripts in makerootfs/makescripts/ directly.

If you don't want to build a toolchain, but use an existing one, make sure, it can be found in PATH.

There are two ways of building single applications with makerootfs:

    1. Modifying makerootfs.conf

      - Create a copy of makerootfs.conf:
      $ cp makerootfs.conf makerootfs-small.conf

      - Edit makerootfs-small.conf and comment out all packages from MYMAKE_LIST you don't need

      - Select makerootfs-small.conf as configuration file:
      $ export MAKEROOTFS_CONFIG=makerootfs-small.conf

      - Run build-script:
      $ ./

      Of course, you can also just edit the original makerootfs.conf.

    2. Directly calling the actual make_ script

      - Make sure the downloads/ and build/ directory exists
      $ mkdir -p downloads build

      - Run the make script (keep in mind that you must the scripts from the makerootfs directory. Do not enter makescripts/ !!!)
      $ ./makescripts/

      Keep in mind that dependencies are not resolved automatically when you call the scripts directly! So make sure you call the right make_-script to compile the required libraries before your actual program.

You will find the final files in rootfs_staging.

A few new files and directories will be created during the whole process:
  • arm-linux-*/: toolchain, if created
  • build/: the sources are cross-compiled here. Additional host tools (like mkfs.jffs2) are also kept here
  • rootfs_staging/: contains (almost) everything that "make install" would install, i.e. binaries, libraries, header files, man-files, ...
  • roofs/: created from rootfs_staging/, only required files along with stripped binaries go here.
  • set-env-arm-linux-*.sh: source this if you want to use the previously created toolchain.

Documentation - Adapt the root filesystem to specific hardware

There are always slight differences on every device, so there no thing like a generic root filesystem. But rootfilesystems can be adopted pretty quickly if you know what to change where.

So here is a list of what you should check: (please drop me a line if you found something not listed here)

Documentation - FAQ

Set MAKEROOTFS_CONFIG environment variable to your new config file

MYMAKE_LIST only controls which packages to cross-compile and installed in rootfs_staging. The createrootfs-scripts work directly on rootfs_staging, so need to remove the binaries from here before creating your jffs2 file. Or remove your rootfs_staging directory and rebuild everything.

Yes, just put it in your PATH, the scripts will use it automatically.

NOTE: Some toolchains may lack certain programs or use different versions of include files, which may result in compile errors. Just keep that in mind when cross-compiling!


This build system came to life as part of a research collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University and Intel.

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, bugs or new, feel free to mail them to <m.ihmig _a t_>

Last Change - 2005/08/11 by Matthias Ihmig
